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To find money to launch or maintain your business in the early lean years can be a full time job by itself.…
If you are like most taxpayers, you have records from years ago that you are afraid to throw away. To determine how…
I guess the answer is yes. Once your business grows to the point where you need employees, your business takes on some…
By 2017, just 23 percent of all point-of-sale purchases are expected to be made with cash, says a study by market research…
Most small business owners are simply not prepared if disaster were to strike their business, whether it’s in New Hampshire or elsewhere.…
It is not uncommon for individuals to loan money to relatives to help them buy a home.  In these situations, it is…
We all would like to put money aside for our kids educations. Here are some nice techniques that can save you a…
This sounds crazy, but it’s really not a bad idea to start thinking about your 2014 taxes, the one due in 2015.…
The tax code provides tax credits for post-secondary (college) education tuition paid during the year for a taxpayer, spouse, or dependents. Taxpayers…
We have plenty of tax issues and challenges to reducing our taxes coming in 2014, particularly if you are a higher income…